In a public health statement from ATSDR’s Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences (DTHHS) determines uranium as one of the most hazardous substances in the environment. It is a naturally occurring radioactive element, when the contaminant (uranium) is released in industrial plants or in a bottle, it can harmfully affect one’s health when one inhales, ingests, or has it in contact with the skin. Because of its strong radiation, when one is constantly exposed to it, it can result in cancer.
According to studies on uranium miners in the United States, that the longer the exposure, the greater the development of lung cancer, pneumoconiosis, emphysema, blood diseases, silicosis, and other lung-related illness. Prestige Health Care Services Inc., is a licensed Home Health Care in Worcester, Massachusetts, the government approved by the US Department Labor’s Workers Compensation Programs and is the home of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Program (EEOICPA) beneficiaries.
Prestige Health Care Services Inc., work in conjunction with your doctor, the DOE or DOL, and to your family members. Our skillful and compassionate staff deliver a personalized plan of care to miners, millers, and haulers who are affected by uranium. With our Home Health Care in Worcester, Massachusetts, our services are also available in four other counties, your accessibility, and convenience to let Prestige Health Care Services Inc., assist you at home.
Here are some of the vital information extracted from National Center for Biotechnology Information which you can get an in-depth information on this page Below state usage of uranium, how it can affect you and preventative measures to follow.
What are possible uranium sources?
- It occurs in the air as dust, which will land onto water and plants. Constant rainfall may cause uranium to settle on the ground.
- It occurs naturally in almost all rocks and soils. It can mix with soil or stick to plant roots.
- Studies suggest that an average person can consume an estimated 0.9 to 1.5 micrograms of uranium per day (µg/day). It is highly recommended that you wash your vegetables especially root crops such as potatoes, radishes, parsnips, turnips etc., as it can stick to plant roots.
- It can be found in drinking water and higher levels of uranium stick to sediment and other particles.
- Other exposed areas include workplaces where workers mine, mill or process uranium to make uranium-based items or products. People also who lived in nearby uranium mining, processing and manufacturing facilities. In addition, those who work with phosphate fertilizers and depleted uranium weapons also have the potential to put their health at risk.
What are the most likely effects?
- There is no known record of effect to young children but according to some studies, uranium can cause toxicity to pregnant mothers and also to the unborn child. Ingesting uranium compounds for a long time can result in kidney damage and inhalation of it can result to lung cancer.
How treatments are available for uranium affected patients?
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), advise that the effective strategy to avoid a fatal injury from uranium is to immediately remove the patient from overexposure, then decontaminate and monitor biomarkers of uranium exposure and effect. Your care provider will administer sodium bicarbonate to keep your alkaline urine at a normal level and to push for fluids to help eliminate uranium through urine output.
Get in touch with our health care team at 508-757-7878 or you can visit our facility Home Health Care in Worcester, Massachusetts. Visit our web page and you can fill-out the virtual form provided for further details regarding our services on home care assistance to patients with uranium related disease. You can download an EEOICPA brochure provided by Prestige Health Care Services Inc. to understand better the support we can provide you in cooperation with the government bodies DOE and DOL.
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