Senior Health and Heat: The Role of a Caregiver

senior health and heat

Many of us are excited to see the sun appear smiling again; however, exposure to the summer heat comes with some health issues. Hundreds of people die from heat-related problems every year with most of them being seniors. Many factors contribute to the inability of elderly people to deal with excessive heat and a person does not need to be outside his house to be impacted. So we come up with some tips for caregivers in order to help elderly people in dealing with the heat.

Is Heat Really a Problem with Elderly People?

As poorer circulation makes a lot of elderly people feel too cold in spaces with an air conditioner, they tend to feel more comfortable if the temperature of the room is warmer than is safe. Seniors are at higher risk of experiencing heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

It is imperative for caregivers to be alert to all the danger signs of heat exposure. Our caregivers at Prestige Health Care Services, Inc., a leading provider of home health care in Worcester, Massachusetts, know how to reduce the risk. When a senior is exposed to high temperatures without taking adequate amount of liquids, he is at risk of heat exhaustion of which symptoms include weakness, dizziness and fatigue. The elderly person may have cool and moist skin, fast and shallow breathing as well as fat but weak pulse rate.

What Caregivers Can Do?

In order to prevent heat stroke and heat exhaustion, caregivers must:

  • Offer cool beverages to the client throughout the day. He must let the client understand why he has to drink plenty of liquids.
  • Ensure the client is dressed in light-weight clothing.
  • Let him sit near a fan.
  • Keep electric light low.
  • Close blinds or curtains to block the sun.
  • Serve watermelon or frozen treats.
  • Put moist towels on the neck, wrist or back of the client.

When our caregivers at Prestige Health Care Services, Inc. detect signs of heat stroke or heat exposure, we get medical assistance right away.

Part of the care plan of every caregiver is to prevent heat-related incidences. We ensure we are prepared and alert to warning signs. As a dependable provider of home health care in Worcester, Massachusetts, we convey our care, prevention plan and concerns to our clients ahead of time.

Enjoy the summer with peace of mind knowing that your senior loved one is well taken care of even if he requests to go outside the house. Prestige Health Care Services, Inc, a dependable provider of home health care in Worcester, Massachusetts, will ensure that your loved is well protected from the risks of summer heat.

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